Thursday, December 6, 2012


CR Strengthen Questions: 15%  = 2

What is a Strengthener?
Support Author's Reasoning by
 1) Providing additional evidence
 2) Addressing the assumptions

What is tested?
 - Understanding how the argument is made?
 - Incorporating new information to support the argument.

Diference between strengthener and assumption:-
 Strengthener - Provides ADDITIONAL evidence to support the conclusion
 - Makes the conclusion more believable.
 - Negating it May/May Not break a conclusion.
 Assumption - Provides ESSENTIAL information for the conclusion to be true.
 - Is absolutely necessary for the conclusion to hold true.
 - Negating an assumption breaks a conclusion.

Learn a structured way of approaching Strenghen questions.
 - Identify Premise and conclusion
 - Create Logical structure.
 - Ask what will strengthen this argument?
 - evaluate answer choices.

Characteristics of Correct & Incorrect Strengthen Answers.
Characteristics of Correct Strengthener
 - Must support the conclusion
  - Must be in the scope of passage
  - Must make the conclusion more believable
   - May be an assumptio
  So What check?
    One way to figure out if an answer choice supports the conclusion.
    Ak so what? does this answer choice make the conclusion more believable? Is yes its a strengthener. If no its NOT.
 - Must provide New information
  - correct strengthener cannot be restatement of premise.

Characteristics of INCorrect Strengthener - OFS
 - Opposite Effect
 - iSWAT

Verbage of Strengthen Questions - helps
 - most justifies
 - strengthens
 - supports

if in an argument,
 reason---> something
then any answer choice that provides another reason for the "something" then the answer choice is a potential weakener.

if in the argument.
 reason 1 --> something happened
answer choice: how something happened = OFS
evidence indicating
 likelyhood of success
 subject has good capabilities
 history of success
 some fav factors for successfull outcomes

Diff between A and S
- A can support P to support C, wheere as S has to support C???


  1. What is a Strengthener?
    Strengtheners make the conclusion more believable by
    -----> Providing new Evidence
    -----> Addressing an assumption

    What is tested?
    -----> How is an argument constructed?
    -----> How to incorporate new info to support the Conclusion.

    Roles Played by Strengtheners
    -----> Provides evidence supporting Conclusion
    -----> Addresses an assumption

    Characteristic of Correct Strengtheners?
    -----> Support Conclusion (SO WHAT Check)
    -----> New Information
    -----> May be assumptions or evidence proving an assumption

    Characteristic of INCorrect Strengtheners?
    -----> OFS
    -----> iSWAT
    -----> Opposite - doesnt support the conclusion

    SO WHAT Check?
    Ask so what, dos the AC support the conclusion? Is ans is yes it may be a strengthner.

    Difference between Strengthener Vs Assumptions
    - ALL assumptions are Strengtheners BUT NOT ALL S are A.
    - Eventhough both support the conclusion, S are not an absolute must while A are.
    - NEGATION TEst doesnt work with S, But works with A.

    - Read/Understand the argument.
    - Logical Structure
    - Pre think S
    - Evaluate

    1) Try to think of an assumption for every
    P -> C link. No of S = No of A because any evidence of A is a strengthner.

    2) While using the SO what test always link them with COnclusion. If an AC doesnt have any effect on the C , it doesnt support it.

    Conclusion: Reason1 ---> Something
    AC: how Something happened: OFS

    Conclusion: Reason1 ---> Something
    AC: reson 2 ----> Something: Weakener/ Opposite

    5) Examples of Strengtheners
    Evidence indicating:
    ----> Likelyhood of success
    ----> Subject has good capability
    ----> History of success
    ----> Some fav factors for successfull outcomes.

  2. DONT Bring info from other AC

    Example of Premise Restatement
    p: Cost of x < cost of Y
    AC:Cost of x 40% of Cost of Y
