Thursday, December 6, 2012


Weaken Concept 30% questions


What is a weaker

provide new information to make the conclusion less believable
 a) cast doubt on the validity of the conclusion. Remember that this answer choice needednt break the conclusion.
 b) Shatter the conclusion. This happens if an answer choice negates a cpnclusion.

These questions tests 2 things: How well you understand the argument made by the author?
 How well you incorportate new information that refuts this argument..

Step By Step way to approach weakener questions.Identify premise and conclusion
create logical structture
ask what will weaken this
evaluate answer choices

Characteristics of correct and incorrect answer choices
Characteristics of correct answer choicesa) MUST weaken the conclusion
 may shatter it by negating the assumption
 may cast enough doubt
b) MUST provide new information
 correct weakener cannot re state information in the passage.

Weakeners may
 attack premise-premise relationship
 attack premise conclusion relationship

Characteristics of incorrect answer choices
OFS :  New info unrelated that may not have any impact on the conclusion.
Opposite Effect :  Strengthens the conclusion
iSWAT :  uses similar terminology to provide irrelevant information.
Restating old info.

Weakener Verbage
argue against
call into question
cast doubt

1 comment:

  1. What is a weakener?
    Weakener provides new information to make an argument less believable.
    -----> By casting doubt on the conclusion/Premise
    -----> By Shattering an assumption

    What is Tested?
    -----> Ability to understand how argument is constructed.
    -----> Ability to incorporate new info to make the argument less believable.

    -----> Casts doubts on the validity of conclusion
    -----> Shatters Assumption

    Characterisics of CORRECT weakener AN
    -----> Doesnt support conclusion
    ------------> Casting doubt
    ------------> Shattering Assumption
    -----> New Info

    Correct Weakener may attack
    -----> Premise - Premise relation
    -----> Premise - Conclusion relation

    Characterisics of INCORRECT weakener AN
    -----> OFS
    -----> iSWAT
    -----> Opposite (By Supporting Conclusion )
    -----> Restating Old Info

    -----> Read/Understand argument
    -----> Form Logical Structure
    -----> Pre think
    ----------> Prething A for each P-P/P-R link
    ----------> Come up with W for each assumption
    -----> Evaluate Answer Choices
    ----------> Now consider Opposite of C and see which AC supports it.

    -----> Dont bring info from other AC
